Leap second causing ksoftirqd and java to use lots of cpu time

Today there was a leap second at 23:59:60 UTC. On one of my systems, this caused a high CPU load starting from around 02h00 GMT+2 (which corresponds with the time of the leap second). ksoftirqd and some java (glassfish) process where using lots of CPU time. This system was running Debian Squeeze with kernel 2.6.32-45. The problem is very easy to fix: just run

# date -s "`date`"

and everything will be fine again. I found this solution on the Linux Kernel Mailing List: http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=134113389621450&w=2. Apparently a similar problem can happen with Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome/Chromium, Java, Mysql, Virtualbox and probably other processes.

I was a bit suprised that this problem only happened on this particular machine, because I have several other servers running similar kernel versions.

12 thoughts on “Leap second causing ksoftirqd and java to use lots of cpu time

  1. Very strange. Had the same issue from around yesterday ~21h00 GMT+2 on several java application servers.
    What is the cause of the issue?

  2. Wonderful man, this saved my buttocks. SOLR refused to update with ksoftirqds going mad.

  3. After spending a lot of time locating the issue, I have isolated it to the ksoftirqd. Then your post showed up and everything was immediately very clear. Thank you!

  4. Thanks for sharing this writeup, Frederik – and for linking to this post, Ondrej!

    Much appreciated – we’re in public QA on a new release, and the server had been slowed significantly by four ksoftirqd processes, collectively using some 50% of CPU …

  5. I’ve only just noticed this problem, I have an Intel i7 and it was running 8 of these processes all at 40% cpu. Speeded up now thanks to this fix. Thanks.

  6. Hi!

    Just wanted to thank you soooo much for this! :) It just made my day :D We were having a load of 200 and now it’s just dropping and dropping!.. It’s amazing! :D Thanks!!!

  7. Thanks man.

    Spent 5 hours up in the whee ours looking for the cause. Thanks loads for the solution.

    Or as ‘Cow & Chicken’ would say: “Thanks loads Larry” :-)


    JW, Netherlands

  8. Note that the command
    date -s now
    does the same thing, without requiring a separate ‘date’ process to look up the current time (at least assuming the ‘date’ command is the GNU coreutils version)

  9. Thanks for this!
    I was seeing this on an Amazon EC2 Ubuntu instance with OpenJDK where Java and ksoftirqd were using 100% CPU (evenly distributed across many of the Java threads which was a little weird-looking). I’m throwing all of those terms in there for search engines, hope you don’t mind :)

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